What will social media look like in July, 2010? December 2010? Can guarantee it won't be the same.
Ashok Lalla of Euro RSCG India put together a list of 10 digital trends to define social media in 2010. I agree with most of them in general terms. Though 8-10 have already happened in my opinion. I agree with tweet vs feet on street.
However, I don't think that tweets will ever or can ever replace a face to face discussion. Some businesses and sales cycles are simply not replaceable by social media, though they can be enhanced.
And as I always say… traditional marketing still matters!
What are your thoughts?
1. High Tech, Not High Tech being the game changer
2. 15 mega pixels of fame becoming the next 15 minutes of fame
3. Communities co-creating brands vs. companies creating a brand.
4. People vs. websites as media
5. Emotions and interactions vs. impressions and transactions
6. Conversing via message seeding vs. advertisng via media placements
7. Precis marketing adding more to precision marketing
8. Multi-link communication vs one to one
9. Show and share vs conceal & control
10. Tweet and greet vs. feet on street