I got to be part of something truly awesome and miraculous on Twitter lastnight. It involves a homeless family in need, the power of social media via Twitter, a Pastor who drove across town and numerous folks who donated online via paypal.
I posted the tweet string as well as videos below. Read the summary BEFORE viewing the VIDEOs as it was all real-time and a bit hard to follow! Get out the Kleenex as this is one awesome Twitter story about helping those in need
- Mark Horvath is an amazing man of God who helps the homeless by sharing their story via video and social media. He is incredible. He helps the people so many walk by and ignore. He gives them socks, shirts and a smile. Most importantly he gives them a voice, a face and a name.
- Mark was once homeless and was saved by the help of Matthew, a Pastor who helped him off the street.
- The Pastor is the same Pastor who helped the family you’re about to read about.
The Twitter Wal-Mart Miracle:
- Mark is out doing what he always does, filming and helping the homeless.
- He meets a mother and son who are homeless. The mom worked in medical for 10 yrs and lost her job. She and her son have been living in a van. The van got towed and they have no place to go.
- Mark takes the mother and son to Wal-mart to buy some clothes. She shared with Mark that her son didn’t have anything to sleep in. I think all of the clothes might have been in the van which got towed?
- Mark begins to tweet the story, letting folks know he is headed to Wal-mart with a family who needs help.
- He asks for help via several tweets (approx. 9 pm pt)
- A Pastor (the same one who helpe Mark off the street) informs Mark via Twitter he will meet him at Wal-mart.
- Mark heads to Wal-mart and tweets about trying to record the event real-time via video and his iPhone.
- Mark arrives at Wal-mart, turns on the iPhone video and starts streaming via UStream! All of us lucky enough to be on Twitter and see his TWEETS got to see this unfold REAL-TIME! It was so very awesome and truly a work of God.
- Mark purchases clothes for the family. They are so very grateful and state they haven’t purchased clothes in a long time.
- The Pastor tweets and tells Mark to buy the kid a special toy (Nintendo DS)
- The Pastor arrives at Wal-mart and greets the family and Mark at the checkout.
- The Pastor pays for the items and they give the boy the Nintendo. The boy is so happy he is jumping up and down.
- The mom, Mark, the Pastor and all of us watching on Twitter (at least me) were all in tears. To see this unfold right in front of our eyes on TWITTER was simply amazing.
Twitter Miracles Really do Happen!
This proves we are yet to see the power of social media. Who would have thought at the beginning of the evening that a family could see so much of God’s love shine thru via Mark, a Pastor, Twitter, and numerous TWEETERS who donated $$ ??
To get an understanding please read the tweets and watch the video. It was truly miraculous and I am deeply blessed I got to watch it real-time!
Thank you Mark & Matthew (the Pastor) for all you do! I can’t wait until you come to Tampa Mark and we can do some of the same!
twitter miracle with @hardlynormal
twitter miracle with @hardlynormal
twitter miracle with @hardlynormal
twitter miracle with @hardlynormal
twitter miracle with @hardlynormal
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DONATE & Help Mark repeat this again and again!
VIDEO: Miracle at Wal-Mart
VIDEO: Post Wal-Mart Miracle with the family, Mark & Pastor Matthew