social media late adopterAs I put on my old but oh so comfy jammies tonight I thought of social media.

People are creatures of habit.  We like to learn, grow, lead and try new things.  We also want safety.  We like structure with both boundaries and flexibility.

My favorite times of day are early morning and late night when all are snuggled in their beds.  Both times are mine, all mine with no interruptions.

Tonight I put on some new jammies, gathered up the laundry and headed to the pit of a laundry room.  As I sorted and packed the rugrat summer camp soiled shorts and socks into the super size washer I began to giggle.

The load was also filled with everyone's favorite jammies.  My kiddos both look like they are waiting for a flood they're so short for them.  Hubby jammies makes him look like Santa since they're green and red w/snow men all over them.

So as I start to sort and stack, the mommy jammies catch my eye.   Mine are worse than the high waters and santa pants.  The top is an ugly but oh so comfy top I purchased at Ann Taylor Loft 4 years ago.  It has a  big ol' hole in the sleeve, right at the elbow.  And as you can guess hubby does not adore it as I do.

Of course, I COULD go shopping for some new stylin' jammies.  I might be missing out and even find a pair that are more comfortable! Yes, I COULD but it's not a PRIORITY.  I'd rather shop for new shoes, funky tops,  or spend time with loved ones.  Basically I know them, like them and they make me feel good so who cares if there is a hole the size of Texas!

I heard the ugly, holey jammies call my name… “hey ya' little nut… put me on… I am ugly but you love me…I make you feel good….who cares what you look like, nobody is up anyway.”

I debated for all of 3 seconds and then quickly changed right there in the laundry room.

My thought is just as I felt about my jammies tonight many people feel about social media.  They know that social media could do their biz good.  However, they are comfy right where they are at. The economy stinks, they are stressed out, what they have is working (or so they think) and it's simply not a priority.

10 Reasons Why Late Adopters Like Old Comfy Jammies better than Social Media!

1. They are comfortable where they are.
“Yes, the current strategies may have a couple holes but we'll just blame it on the bad economy. I have a desk, a job and it is too risky to make a change.”

3. Switching to a new marketing model is not a priority.
“I have too many other things to worry about! I need to fix the lamination machine for goodness sake.”

4. They don't know what they don't know.
“Yes, social media might do my business good but I simply don't have time to do the research to make an educated decision.”

5. The perceived benefit of change doesn't outweigh the current comfort.
They know their email system, direct mail print vendors are all setup, and budget already allocated  for 1 yr offline advertising, purchase of 100k names for email blast and 1992 website / ACT database integration.
“You think I'm seriously interested in shopping for a new agency, training my staff and upgrading my web platform…think again!”

6.  Their current model works.
Their systems work, customers are happy and one hand is talking to the other
If it's not 100% broken don't fix it.”

6. Why bother?!
“I'm cool without it, seriously, I am!!”

7. They like their “holes”.
Although they know their current conversion model, processes and systems loses leads, it's theirs.  Often times people associate change with inadequacies. Inadequacies often equal insecurities and reluctance to change.
“I like what I have.  Changing would mean what I built with my own blood, sweat and tears sucked.”

8.  They think social media is all about glamour and glitz.
Since many people don't understand social media they may see it as an “elitist group” since they aren't yet part of the community.  They logon to Twitter and see 1000's of people trying to build a business without the right tools or training. Unfortunately they see the self-promotion, coupon tweets and the list goes on.
“I really don't want to be part of the self-promoting, Tweeting Narcisisst Clique.”

9.  Their current community hasn't adopted social media. (i.e., they're still wearing high waters & Santa jammies!)
Many market niches haven't broadly adopted social media.  To change they think they have to restart by building a new community. What many don't realize is they can be a leader and take their current community right online with them!
“It's what everyone else is doing.”

10.  They think it's  just a FAD!
“Everything I have will all come back in style at one point. It always does, holes and all!”


Each business needs to do research to make educated decisions if social media is appropriate for them.  I see many companies being reluctant to change even as they are watching their revenues erode.  Instead of adopting new methods, freshening up communications, trying a new medium, they stay where they feel safe.

As leaders in social media we need to help our customers feel safe.  We should welcome a new Twitter follower that asks a question. Guide them along and encourage them.  You never know… they may be one foot in Victoria's Secret and whole body in the laundry room!