how to get social media marketing budget approval

“I have a massive social media marketing budget, fully dedicated team, and more than enough time to implement my social media marketing plan” said no marketing director ever on the planet!

You can have the greatest social media marketing plan on the planet but if you don't have resource and budget to implement it's a wasted effort.

In this Social Zoom Factor podcast episode I share strategies, best practices and tactics for marketing and business leaders to obtain buy-in, support and budget allocation for their planned efforts integrating social media into the business. Included are solid recommendations for what you should do and what you should not do to obtain necessary support from key stakeholders.

Your goal is to achieve early and measurable wins that can help you earn trust and lay a solid foundation for you to implement short, medium and long term strategies and tactics that will help you achieve your business goals.


social zoom factor podcast live life zoomed Pam MooreResources mentioned: 

How to Get Your Social Media Marketing Budget Approved (White Paper)

Social Media Audience Analysis Worksheet (Based on the Forrester POST Methodology)

Content Marketing Editorial Calendar Template


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