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Do you wish you could get your CEO on Twitter? Want to get your c-suite,  stakeholders and team members to jump on the social networks?

Check out my latest episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to hear my answer and recommendation on exactly how you should handle this challenge and question.

My recommendation may surprise you!

Episode Highlights

  • Is it time to get your CEO on Twitter?
  • The importance of a social business strategy and plan.
  • How to get buy-in.
  • Developing an online and Twitter persona.
  • Humanizing your brand.
  • Bridging the social and digital divide.

Resources mentioned: 

Twitter Persona Worksheet

10 Reasons Personal Branding is a Requirement, Not An Option (white paper)

Why Personal Branding is Required, Not Optional (podcast)

Brand Humanization in a Nutshell (podcast)

How to Develop a Social Business Strategy (podcast)

Get Your Social Media Marketing Budget Approved (podcast)


social zoom factor podcast

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