25 Ways You're Killing Your Brand with Social Media and Digital Marketing

Every smart marketer wants their brand to be relevant, memorable, inspiring and positive in the mind of their audience, ideal customer and online community. What many marketers don't know is that the little things they are doing online every day could be hurting their brand more than helping.

When you think of leaving memorable brand impressions what comes to mind? Do you first think of a logo, colors, messaging, tone, sentiment or all of the above? None of the above?

Even the best business leaders and marketers get overwhelmed with staying up to speed with new media, social media and integrating it into the DNA of their business.

Social media is both art and science. It's easy and dangerous to get caught up in the tools and technology that you lose sight of why you are doing it in the first place. Are you getting so focused on building your community, generating revenue, growing your email subscriber list that you are falling to lazy marketing behavior? Or even trying some spammy tactics that are hurting your brand more than helping your brand?

It’s not so much about what the technology can do for you as it is what you can do with the technology! It's important to make sure you are using social and digital technologies in a way that is helping you versus hurting you.

Check out the 108th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to hear 25 ways you may be hurting your brand online without even realizing it!


In this 30 minute podcast you will learn: 

  • 25 ways you are hurting your brand more than helping it via social media and digital marketing
  • Why you must regularly audit the social media applications and tools connected to your existing social profiles
  • To send auto direct messages (DMs) on Twitter or not?
  • The risks associated with over self promotion
  • Why you should be careful of posting only negative posts on Facebook and other platforms
  • How to avoid being seen as a spammer
  • You are what you share, tweet, pin, post and update via the social inter webs
  • Why you can't ignore the mobile user and customer and the importance of a mobile responsive website and blog
  • To use curse words or to avoid them?
  • The risk of buying fake followers and fans
  • How much is too much information to share about your personal life?
  • How not to reach out to industry influencers

Take a listen and be sure to subscribe to the entire series on iTunesStitcher or SoundCloud!

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