Irresistible Content: 10-Point Checklist for Content that Converts to More Customers [podcast + ebook]

Pam Moore

Irresistible Content: 10-Point Checklist for Content that Converts to Business [podcast + ebook]

As brands struggle to rise above the sea of status quo social media updates, videos, podcasts and blog posts, the digital and social web is beyond noisy.

Yelling louder into the digital echo chamber of spam and noise is not the magic answer to your lack of attention problems.

Though many marketers think the answer is to create mounds and mounds of content and publish it everywhere for everyone to MAYBE see, this is also not the answer.

Instead of trying to be everything to everyone in the loudest voice possible, it's critical to be SOMETHING to SOMEONE.

Quality over quantity is how you rise to the very top of the tower of digital blabber.


You need irresistible content. Content that is just too good to resist.

You need thumb stopping content that inspires your target customer at the right time and the right digital place.

You need videos that make your digital audience and dream customers want to hit play and watch the entire video giving you their full attention!

You need audio podcasts that people subscribe to and play in their car on the way to the grocery store, or via their mobile device and headphones when they exercise at the gym or cook dinner in the kitchen.

Getting the attention of your audience is the first step. The second step is to ensure that your content is relevant and valuable enough to keep their attention.

You content needs to be so good in fact that they subscribe and click “notify me for updates.”  The goal is to make your content so irresistible that they can't resist and they keep coming back for more and more over and over again.

This is how you earn trust. This is how you establish authority in your niche, regardless how crowded it is! It's also how you achieve a positive ROI on every piece of content you produce.

Google, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn LOVE Irresistible Content!

Here is the thing… the more you audience can't resist your content, the more they are going to like, click, engage, share and buy!

The social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter as well as the search engines such as Google LOVE it when your content is irresistible. The more irresistible your content is, the more they will pop your content straight to the top of your target customers social media and digital feeds… consistently! Boom! Winning! :)

This is one of the key success factors to content that converts to more attention, trust, traffic, engagement, community members, raving fans, leads and sales!

Irresistible (definition)

not resistible; incapable of being resisted or withstood: 

lovable, especially calling forth feelings of protective love

enticing; tempting to possess 


an irresistible person or thing 



How do you create Irresistible content?  

The good news is even if you are new to creating content that helps you achieve your business and marketing goals, there are foundational principles you can utilize to ensure your content is irresistible.

Take a listen to episode 272 of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to learn the details of my 10-Point Checklist for Irresistible Content.

Also, be sure to grab the beautiful 34-Page PDF here -> 10-Point Checklist for Irresistible Content Marketing

10-Point Checklist for Irresistible Content

  1. WHY are you creating content?
  2. WHO are you creating content for?
  3. How will your content HELP them?
  4. Is your content UNDERSTANDABLE?
  5. Is your content RELATABLE?
  6. Is your content ACTIONABLE?
  7. Is your content FINDABLE?
  8. Is your content SHAREABLE?
  9. How will you PROMOTE your content to ensure the RIGHT people see it?
  10. How will it HELP your BUSINESS?

In this 20 minute podcast you will learn: 

  • How to create irresistible content that helps you achieve your business and marketing goals.
  • Our proven 10-Point checklist for irresistible content
  • How to ensure your content stands out from the digital see of noise online today
  • Tips to ensure your content not only grabs attention but also earns trust and captures the heart of your dream customer
  • How to get more views, listens, clicks, likes and engagement with your content
  • Tips to align your content marketing efforts to your business goals

Supporting Resources (download for FREE!) 

This podcast episode is proudly sponsored by

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How to Subscribe to Social Zoom Factor Podcast 

Take Action:  Download free eBook 10-Point Checklist for Irresistible Content (beautiful 29 page 3book)

10-Point Checklist Irresistible Content for More Leads, Sales Customers



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